Special Topics in Information: Science & Policy Integration for Evidence-Based Policymaking


INF2405H — Special Topics in Information: Science & Policy Integration for Evidence-Based Policymaking

Governments rely on science advice to formulate evidence-based policies. A well-informed public expects its elected representatives and civil servants to promulgate and enact policies that are grounded on facts and logic. Therefore, the incorporation of scientific insights within policy-making structures and processes is crucial to gain public confidence and social license. In many cases this requirement is enshrined in law. Science plays an important role in surfacing insights from information and science advice influences policymaking within government settings. However, the incorporation of science advice into public policy is a non-trivial endeavor due to the multitude of, often incongruent and incompatible, scientific paradigms and conclusions. Hence, construction of coherent science advice based on diverse scientific perspectives requires careful review, analysis, andconsultation. Moreover, science in the government context, is regulated by policy directives and guidelines. Thus, planning and managing science requires continual alignment with government priorities.