Omeka: An introduction to creating online exhibits and collections

This is an in-person workshop.  

This workshop will introduce students to Omeka, a content management system that enables users to easily create online exhibits and collections. Omeka is open source software developed by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media to support the creation of collections and exhibits in smaller cultural and academic institutions, but has since been adopted by a broad user-base, including UofT. Through workshop activities, we will introduce students to the Omeka platform and discuss how to evaluate platforms and develop user services. By the end of the workshop, students will be able to create items, collections, and exhibits using the web-hosted

Date: Feb. 9, 2023, 3 – 5 pm

Location: Robarts Library, 4th floor electronic classroom, 4033

Instructor: Leslie Barnes, Digital Scholarship Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries

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