Wendy Newman Library Leadership Award

  • FIAA
Needs Based?

Purpose and Eligibility

The Wendy Newman Library Leadership Award will help build leadership capacity in the library sector by enabling alumni of the Faculty of Information to pursue professional development opportunities at intensive library leadership development programs.

The Wendy Newman Library Leadership Award was established in 2015 upon the retirement of Wendy Newman, a champion of public librarianship who also lectured at the Faculty of Information for more than a decade. The award recognizes her longstanding commitment to the Faculty of Information and to building principled library leadership capacity in the broader profession. It was generously endowed with a $25,000 gift from the Newman family and contributions from faculty, staff and the broader professional community.

The award will help build leadership capacity in the library sector by enabling alumni of the Faculty of Information to pursue professional development opportunities at intensive library leadership development programs. The award is designed to be given on annual basis at a value determined by the Faculty of Information Alumni Association. This year, the value of the award is $5000.

Information about donating to the Wendy Newman Library Leadership Award can be found at Donate Online.


In order to be considered for the award, all of the following criteria must be met:

  • Be a graduate of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information or its predecessors (e.g. Faculty of Information Studies (FIS), FLIS, FLS, SLIS, etc.)
  • Have not received the same award in the past
  • Demonstrate interest to apply to one of the library leadership programs:
    • Northern Exposure to Leadership
    • Association of Research Libraries Leadership Fellows Program
    • Public Library Leaders Program
    • Advancing Public Library Leaders Institute OR
    • any other similarly focused library leadership program

Meeting the minimum qualifications does not guarantee receiving the award. The Committee reserves the right to not confer the award if submissions lack sufficient overall merit.

Selection will be made by the FIAA Grants and Awards Committee via a blind review process based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of statement explaining how participation in the library leadership program would help build the applicant’s leadership capacity in the broader profession as well as benefit their career path
  • Quality of applicant’s supporting documents

Preference will be given to:

  • Applicants pursuing leadership roles in public librarianship
  • Applicants who are receiving limited/no funding from other sources

All applicants will be notified of the results of their application by email.

Application Process

Please submit one application package containing the following items:

  • A completed Application form
  • A written statement (maximum 2 pages) clearly explaining how participation in the program would help build your leadership capacity in the broader profession as well as benefit your career path
  • A current resume or CV
  • A letter of recommendation from your employer. The letter should address your leadership potential as well as demonstrated interest in moving into higher levels of library leadership or administration
  • Proof of acceptance into the leadership program

Questions and complete application packages can be sent to: Hujma Chowdhury (Chair, FIAA Grants & Awards Committee) h.chowdhury@utoronto.ca

Application Deadline

Application deadline: Monday, April 15, 2024