Why partner with our Master of Museum Studies students? 

Master of Museum Studies (MMSt) students at the Faculty of Information are emerging museum professionals with knowledge, skills and competencies they are eager to put to work. They have a wide range of academic and professional specializations relevant to the cultural and heritage sectors. 

In their second and final year, MMSt students complete a capstone project as part of the MSL 4000 Capstone Projects Course. [link] Working in partnership with a recognized museum, gallery or related institution, teams of students (typically three to five individuals):  

  • produce physical or digital exhibitions 
  • develop educational or public programs 
  • create strategic plans (e.g. emergency preparedness, climate action, interpretive, or accessibility plans) 
  • design and implement strategies for enhanced collections care 
  • contribute to other well-defined projects that support the institution’s mission and operations. 

Time and duration

Capstone project runs for the entire academic year from September to April. 

The Museum Studies program sends a call for proposals to all interested employer partners in June with the deadline for project proposal submissions set for late August. Project selections are made and partners notified by the last week of August. 

Project proposals undergo a selection process to ensure a wide range of institutional, disciplinary and thematic diversity. Priority is given to projects that offer students the opportunity to work with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and decolonizing frameworks, and that empower students through anti-oppressive practices.  

MMSt Capstone proposals should include: 

a brief description of the project and its desired outputs and/or outcomes  

a designated contact person  

a timeline for completion within the academic school year (September to April)  

resource contributions (cash or in-kind)  

opportunities for professional growth and skill development for participating students


The Faculty of Information provides approximately $1,400 to $,1500 per project, with additional funds available to assist with expenses related to community-engagement activities. Partners are asked to provide matching resources, whether as in-kind or cash contributions. 

Required documentation 

A Letter of Agreement will be crafted for each successful project confirming resource contributions, expectations for deliverables and responsibilities. It is to be reviewed by the organization, participating students and the Faculty of Information. 

Ready to get started?

The Faculty of Information encourages all its employer partners to create an account on Symplicity, our career services management platform. Developed especially for students and their employers, Symplicity allows you to post your opportunities directly and facilitates an efficient and engaging recruitment cycle.

Tips for creating an account

  1. Click on Create an Account (above) and then click on the “Sign Up” button. (You may want to bookmark this page)
  2. Find your organization and enter your contact information
  3. If your organization is NOT listed, fill in the full name of your organization and complete your account information
  4. Once your account has been approved, you will be notified within three business days. You will then be able to access your account, post your position and view applications

Tips for posting your opportunities

  1. Sign in and click “Create Job Posting” from the Shortcuts menu of the home page
  2. On the posting page, under Work Term, select the appropriate work term and then select ‘BI PRACTICUM” for the Position Type
  3. Complete the form and click “Submit”

Need more information?   


Sana Khan

Engagement Coordinator, Careers

Education, Government, Not for Profits, GLAM Sector (Gallery, Library, Archives, Museums)

Contact Details