Course Description
MSL2326H — Artifact, Audience, Text: Writing in the Museum
This course will critically examine the role of text in museum professional practice. We will explore the practice of writing and its critical context together with the editorial process. Whether brick-and-mortar or virtual, large or small, art or historical or natural history, all museums use text to carry out their missions. Whether internal or public facing, text is a prominent feature of the museum work environment for staff through collections management, artifact cataloguing, research and exhibit development, exhibition catalogues, marketing, wayfinding, membership and development. Through their consumption of exhibit text, exhibit catalogues, interpretive material and websites, the written word is also a fundamental constituent of the visitor experience. For emerging professionals, the ability to communicate in writing is a foundational skill for a museum career irrespective of the specific area of practice in which students will eventually work.
Notes: Previously MSL2301H: Special Topics in Museum Studies: Artifact, Audience, Text: Writing in the Museum. It is regular course effective September 1, 2021.