INF2173H 0.5 Credits

Information Professional Practicum I

Course Description

The Faculty of Information offers one practicum opportunity in the Winter session. Students may enroll in INF2173H/INF2273H in the winter term of their second year.  

Students on a placements who are receiving wages from their placement employers are considered to be on paid placements and should be treated as any other worker employed by the placement employer. Students should have employee contracts with their employers and the responsibilities of the employer and the student should be clearly defined. 

Students on placements receiving no funds from their placement employers or who are receiving stipends, honorariums or reimbursements are considered to be on unpaid placements. A placement agreement should be in place as it provides a detailed framework for the relationship between the University, placement site and student. Further documentation is required to secure workplace insurance and confirm the responsibilities of all parties. 

General Description

The goal of the practicum is to provide you with hands-on experience to supplement your theoretical knowledge and to help you develop professional competencies.

Assignments are carefully structured to fit with the workplace and the classes are designed to focus on professional issues and workplace practices in different environments. The aim is to foster sharing, to deepen knowledge through experience, and to promote a high standard of professional practice and conduct in information work.

The places and projects are assembled by the Faculty of Information in the term before the course, and these are offered to students enrolled in the course on their first class (or as determined by the instructors). Each placement is discussed so that you can make a choice that is informed by your interests as well as the opportunities that are on offer.

Students select their placements based on the proposals hosts provide. You are also welcome to arrange your own placement in consultation with the Faculty of Information Careers Officer ahead of time to make sure the placement would be suitable.

Time Commitment

The course involves a placement and a project that should take the equivalent of at least three weeks of full time work at the site (i.e. 105 hours).

The timing of this work is a matter of negotiation between you and your chosen site. In addition to the placement you have regular assignments for the course which meets as a seminar on a frequent basis.

Eligibility Requirements


  • Must be a second year student
  • Must have at least 0.5 credits available as a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) credit (please note that the max WIL credit for the program is 1.0) 

Time Commitment

  • 105 hours (paid or unpaid)

Typical Offering

  • Offered in the Winter semester

Please Note:

How and When to Enrol

  1. Enroll in the Practicum course on ACORN: INF2173H
  2. September 16,  2024 to November 15, 2024: Submit your MI Practicum Experiential Learning Application Form (see guide on how to Submit an EL Application) on Symplicity.
  3. Once your application is approved you will be able to see MI practicums posted on the job board.  
  4. How to apply and secure an MI Practicum job:
    • Apply on jobs posted on Symplicity
    • Search for and secure your own MI Practicum
  5. Once you have successfully secured an MI practicum offer, submit your MI Practicum Experiential Learning Record on Symplicity to be approved by the Careers Office. 
  6. The deadline to submit the MI Practicum Experiential Learning Record for approval is January 3rd , 2025. 
  7. If you have not secured an MI Practicum by January 3rd, 2025 you will have to drop the course by January 20, 2025.  

Finding Your Own Practicum

Each year, some students elect to secure their own opportunities by connecting with employers in advance. You are welcome to secure your own opportunity. Simply complete your EL record on Symplicity once you have secured your own placement.

Current Timetable

INF2173HS Information Professional Practicum I

Session Winter (S) 2025



  • Kimberly Silk


  • Day(s): TBD Time(s): to
    Location: NA


First practicum for students who haven’t completed a practicum previously; 2nd year students