INF3006Y 1.0 Credits

Major Area Reading Course

Course Description

INF3006Y — Major Area Reading Course

Independent reading by student supplemented by regularly scheduled one-on-one meetings with advisor, the details of which will be spelled out in a contract jointly prepared by the student and advisor.

Old course title is “Thesis Proposal Preparation”

New course title as of September 2018 is “Major Area Reading Course”

Pre-requisite: INF3001H


The drop deadline for INF3006Y is six months from the first day of the first month of the course. The advisor should ensure that at least the first major assignment from the first term is returned and graded within a month from the end of the first term. This will allow the student to make a decision about whether to remain in the course.


Start TermDrop Deadline
Jan 1June 1
May 1Oct 1
Sept 1Feb 1

Submit an Add/Drop form to iSchool Student Services – Past SGS deadline for continuous courses