MSL2100H 0.5 Credits

Museum Environment

Course Description

MSL2100H — Museum Environment

This course is an introduction to preventive conservation. As such, it focuses on: identifying and quantifying the environmental factors that affect collections; developing strategies that mitigate those factors; understanding the materials that make up a museum collection – how they degrade, react to their environment and the objects around them; and evaluating the conservation requirements for the safe exhibition and storage of museum collections.

This course will be offered in an intensive 6 week format. Classes will be held six (6) Fridays from 9 to 5 pm and students must be able to attend all 6 classes.

The major class assignments will be applied, working with a partner museum. Students are required to identify and make arrangements with their partner museum in advance.

Pre-requisite: Completion of 4.0 credits and enrolled in MMSt

Current Timetable

MSL2100HS Museum Environment

Session Winter (S) 2025



  • Susan Maltby


  • Day(s): Friday Time(s): to
    Location: BL


Completion of 4.0 credits and enrolled in MMSt; 6 weeks of intensive classes from 9-5pm