Course Description
INF3010H — Power, Media and Technology
This course investigates how power manifests unevenly across different media, technologies and in different cultural contexts. We will examine structural forces shaping the use and contestation of technologies and media, and critically investigate how technologies and media are used to constitute and organize social and power relations, both historically and in the contemporary context. Through considerations of race, class, gender, and sexuality, the course addresses how media and technology are implicated in social inequality, oppression and exploitation, and how these relations are contested and opposed. The aim of the course is to deepen our critical engagement with the processes, practices, and social relations of media and technology in contemporary political, economic, and social life.
For winter 2021, 2nd year MI students may enroll in the course with the permission of the instructor but won’t be able to enroll themselves in ACORN. In order to enroll, you will need to submit an add/drop form and instructor approval email to Student Services.
Note: The course was previously a special topics course, INF 2305H: Special Topics in Information: Power, Media and Technology in Winter 2019.
Current Timetable
INF3010HS Power, Media and Technology
Day(s): Monday Time(s): toLocation: BL