MSL5050H 0.5 Credits

Special Studies

Course Description

MSL5050H — Special Studies

In this course students undertake a directed study of a museum related application that cannot be met by the present complement of elective courses. Topics may relate to any aspect of museum operation or function.

Museum Studies students, as well as students outside of the Museum Studies who wish to apply their particular field of study to a specific issue in Museum Studies, should discuss the topic with a potential supervisor. Approval is subject to department guidelines and procedures, as well as the availability of a supervisor.

In order to be considered an elective credit, the work in this course cannot significantly overlap the content of other courses in the Master of Museum Studies program.

Students must submit the SGS form Request for Reading and/or Research Course, available in the Registration & Enrolment section at the SGS website, to Student Services for iSchool approval at the beginning of the term in which the course is to take place.

Requests must include the following information:

  1. Section 3 of the Reading and/or Research Course form request: breakdown of work required (i.e., assignments), weight of each assignment, and their respective due dates.
  2. Separate documentation:
  • Short paragraph outlining the needs for the course and how it fits in the student’s overall program of study and goals
  • Reading list (to be agreed by both student and faculty member)