Course Description
This course (INF2408H: Special Topics in Information: Cold War History of Books, Librarianship, and Publishing) offers students a historical, ethical, and analytical study of the role that libraries, librarians, books, and the publishing industry have played during and in the aftermath of regional and global political and military conflicts. Through a specific investigation of the Cold War history of books, this course offers theoretically deep reading of critical theories of culture, education, and the publishing industry in order to familiarize students with critical modes of historical inquiry, to give students practice in reading original theoretical works, to help students analyze the historical social and political contexts of publishing industry and the profession of librarianship, and to assist students in developing their ethical and professional sensibilities. In this course we will also learn about the ties that bind publishing industry, the profession of librarianship, capitalism, and imperialism.
The Course will ask: In what ways do the global conflicts affect the world of books and professions related to knowledge production and distribution? What is the role of librarians during global ideological conflicts? What are the ethical and professional considerations that librarians should develop to facilitate social change in times of political unrest?
Current Timetable
INF2408HS Special Topics in Information: Cold War History of Books, Librarianship, and Publishing
- Mahdi Ganjavi
Day(s): Thursday Time(s): toLocation: BL