Course Description
INF2302H (Winter 2021) — Special Topics in Information: Copyright for Information Professionals
This course provides students with an understanding of the fundamentals of Canadian
copyright law and how it is applied in the policies and practices of cultural heritage institutions (libraries, archives, and museums) in a time of rapid technological change. After considering the rationales for copyright, the course examines the structure and key provisions of the Canadian Copyright Act, before going on to explore selected copyright issues that are currently confronting policy makers and courts.
INF2302H (Fall 2019) — Special Topics in Information Studies: Business Process Management and Mining
Business processes are pervasive in our lives: in banks, telecommunication centers, web-services, and healthcare. Processes in organizations are there to make sure that the business goals are achieved in an efficient way with the highest quality of products and/or services. Business Process Management (BPM) is a research field that focuses on improving company’s performance by managing, analyzing and improving its processes. The BPM lifecycle includes (Re)Design, Modeling, Executing, Monitoring and Optimizing business processes. We shall cover the components of the lifecycle, emphasizing the data-driven aspects of BPM. The field of Business Process Management (BPM) focuses on improving an organization’s performance by managing, analyzing and improving its processes.
Note: 2nd+ year MI students only
Pre-requisite course: INF1341H
INF2302H (Winter 2019) — Special Topics in Information Studies: Copyright Issues for Information Professionals
This course provides students with an understanding of the fundamentals of Canadian copyright law and how it is applied in the policies and practices of cultural heritage institutions (libraries, archives, and museums) in a time of rapid technological change. After considering the rationales for copyright, the course examines the structure and key provisions of the Canadian Copyright Act, before going on to explore selected copyright issues that are currently confronting policy makers and courts.