INF2402H 0.5 Credits

Special Topics in Information: Data Governance in a World of Big Data

Course Description

INF2402H — Special Topics in Information: Data Governance in a World of Big Data

Data Governance is about formally managing critical data throughout the organization and making sure organizations derive value from it. Data Governance is a critical component for organizations leveraging data science and analytics to provide data-driven insights to their clients and consumers. Successful Data Governance is achieved by addressing the 4 v’s to ensure that the volume, variety, velocity, and veracity of data brings the most value. It is generally achieved by a combination of people, process and technology.An effective Data Governance function of an organization begins with focusing on the information most valuable to the organization and the structure that must be put in place to safeguard its integrity, security, quality, integration, meta-data, architecture and lifecycle while building the right infrastructure to support it.