INF2196H 0.5 Credits

Special Topics in Information Studies: Personal Recordkeeping and Private Papers

Course Description

INF2196H (fall 2019): Special Topics in Information Studies: PersonaI Recordkeeping and Private Papers

This course (INF2196H — Special Topics in Information Studies: Personal Recordkeeping and Private Papers) is a discussion of archival theories and methods of acquiring, appraising, arranging, describing, making accessible, and promoting the records of individuals and communities. Analysis of traditional and innovative archival theory and methodology will be grounded in an examination of the unique nature of personal records by studying personal recordkeeping practices, engaging with theories of self-representation, and considering how personal records are used by archival researchers.

Pre-requisite course: INF1330H


INF2196H (fall 2018): Special Topics in Information Studies: Platform Politics and Power

This course focuses on the technological, social, cultural and political economic organization of media and communication by critically engaging with digital platforms and apps. The cultural industries are undergoing rapid change and platforms are at the core of these transformations. The GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon) platforms, complemented by Tencent and Microsoft, have become the most valuable and profitable companies in the world. As a result, the platformization of cultural production, distribution, and marketing poses new challenges for citizens, content producers, politicians, and businesses. As platforms and apps have become ubiquitous, how to account for the relationships between platform companies and users? And, how can we systematically analyze a platform’s history, evolution, and its position within the wider digital ecosystem?