INF2305H 0.5 Credits

Special Topics in Information Studies: The Joy of Information

Course Description

The Joy of Information introduces students to a positive Information Science by focusing upon information in contexts that are perceived as joyful, sublime, upbeat, creative, interesting, pleasurable, and fun. In doing so, it intentionally brackets and places aside information experiences associated with negative or quotidian states such as work, problems, pain, conflict, boredom, everyday routines, and unconsciousness. Participants will explore the idea that positive information phenomena have distinct qualities and are important to what Plato called eudaimonia—a flourishing life. Practically speaking, enrollees will discover how information institutions and their stakeholders may mediate and champion a positive approach to their information resources, systems, and services. The first offering of this course during Fall 2019 will be centered upon leisure, an information-rich, heterogeneous, and joyful domain. Over the course of the semester, casual leisure, serious leisure (including hobbies), project-based leisure, and devotee work (paid work that feels like leisure), will be examined for their informational patterns and distinctions.


Last offered: Winter 2020

INF2305H — Special Topics in Information: Communication and Social Change

This course will examine historical and contemporary debates, issues and policies surrounding the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for social change. The course topics will encompass a range of communication media in diverse cultural, economic, political and social contexts, and specifically consider their myriad uses for development, social change and social justice.