MSL2306H 0.5 Credits

Special Topics in Museum Studies: Museum and Accessibility – Inclusive Museum Programming

Course Description

Museum programming – live, discursive, performance rather than object based – is a site for inclusive community-engaged work which fuels other areas of museum practice, including exhibitions, collections, and leadership. This course uses the disability justice tenets to provide students with critical frameworks and discrete critical practices (tools, methods, strategies) for the design and implementation of accessible programs, driven by community needs and centering social justice approaches to stakeholder collaborations. Through this learning opportunity, students delve into histories and theories related to access and disability as frameworks for the development of programming that aligns with the needs and desires of folks from disability communities. Students participate in several projects designed to connect intellectual frameworks with the real life protocols of community-engaged practice. The course will feature several engagements with professionals, artists, and advocates from the disability communities in Toronto/GTA.

Current Timetable