INF2171H 0.5 Credits

Usability Assessment: Concepts, Methods and Tools

Course Description

This course (INF2171H — Usability Assessment: Concepts, Methods and Tools) will introduce students to concepts related to usability, methods for conducting usability assessments, and tools used by usability professionals; it does not require any previous knowledge or experience in the area of usability. Although usability is most often associated with websites, desktop applications and mobile apps, it also applies to anything with a user interface, from smartwatches, to eReaders, elevator controls, remote controls, election ballots and forms.

In the course, students will be exposed to professional and research publications on usability and to resources widely used by usability professionals. In assignments, students will gain experience using two methods for assessing usability. First, students will conduct a heuristic evaluation. Second, students will plan and carry out a small-scale usability test, analyze the data from the test, and prepare a final report. In carrying out the usability test, team members will have an opportunity to experience multiple roles. In the last session, each teamwill present their findings.

Exclusions: INF1005H Information Workshop I: Section on Usability Assessment: Concepts, Methods and Tools and INF1006H Information Workshop II: Section on Usability Assessment: Concepts, Methods and Tools

Current Timetable