Current Students

Academic Dates and Deadlines

The academic dates and deadlines below include enrolment dates, drop deadlines, assessment periods, petition deadlines and more.

It is important to take note of all academic dates, and payment and refund deadlines. Your refund eligibility depends on a variety of factors including how your fees are assessed and on what date you cancelled the course. Please note that the course add/drop dates are not the same as the fee refund schedule. Deadlines for fee payment, fee refund schedules and other financial dates are posted on the Student Accounts website.

Being unaware of an academic, payment or refund deadline is not typically accepted as a valid reason to be granted an exception or an extension.

Current Undergraduate Dates

March 15, 2024First year BI students will be enrolled in required summer courses
(INF301H1Y & INF402H1Y)
April 8, 2024First day BI students may enrol in Arts & Science courses
April 15, 2024Summer fees can be viewed on ACORN and online deferral available
April 24, 2024Tuition fee payment/deferral deadline for 2024 Summer session. Please
visit the Student Accounts website for detailed fee schedules at
May 6, 2024Classes begin in F and Y courses
May 9, 2024Waitlists for F and Y session courses close at end of day
May 12, 2024Last day to enroll in F and Y session courses
TBDFirst day to select Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) option for Arts &
Science F and Y courses
May 20, 2024Victoria Day – University closed; no classes
June 3, 2024Last day to drop F session courses
June 17, 2024Last day to add or remove a CR/NCR option in F courses
June 17, 2024Last day to request late withdrawal (LWD) from F courses at Registrar
and Student Services Office
June 17, 2024Classes end in F and Y courses
June 18, 2024Study Day
June 19, 2024 – June 24, 2024Final exams in F courses and term tests in Y courses
TBDFirst day to request November 2024 graduation
June 28, 2024
President’s Day – University closed; no classes
July 1, 2024Canada Day – University closed; no classes
July 2, 2024Classes begins in S courses and classes resume for Y courses
July 3, 2024Last day to submit a petition for F courses (including final
July 5, 2024Waitlists for S session courses close at end of day
July 8, 2024Last day to add S session courses
TBDFirst day to select Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) option for Arts &
Science S courses
July 22, 2024Last day to drop Y session courses
July 29, 2024Last day to drop S session courses
August 5, 2024
Civic Holiday – University closed; no classes
August 12, 2024Last day of classes in S and Y Session Courses
August 12, 2024
Last day to add or remove a CR/NCR option in Arts & Science S and Y
August 12, 2024
Deadline to request Late Withdrawal (LWD) from S and Y courses
August 13, 2024At the instructors discretion, make up day for Monday classes due to
Civic Holiday August 5, 2024
August 14, 2024Study Day
August 15, 2024 – August 23, 2024
Final exams in S and Y courses
August 30, 2024Last day to submit a petition in S and Y courses

July 17, 2024All BI students will be enrolled in their required courses on ACORN
July 30, 2024Non-enrolment day. You cannot use ACORN to add, change, or drop courses.
July 31, 2024First day BI students are able to enrol in Faculty of Arts & Science (St. George) courses as electives
August 1, 2024Non-enrolment day. You cannot use ACORN to add, change, or drop courses.
August 2, 2024First day BI students are able to enrol in UTM / UTSC courses as electives
August 27, 2024Tuition fee payment/deferral deadline for the Fall/Winter session. Please visit the Student Accounts website for detailed fee schedules  at
September 2, 2024No classes – Labour Day
September 3, 2024Classes begin in F and Y courses 
September 6, 2024Last day to request November 2024 graduation
September 12, 2024Waitlists for F and Y courses close at end of day
September 16, 2024Last day to enrol in F and Y courses
September 16, 2024Program/course fee freeze date (F and Y courses)
TBDFirst day to select a Credit/No-Credit (CR/NCR) option for F and Y courses
October 14, 2024No classes – Thanksgiving holiday
October 28, – November 1, 2024No classes – Fall Reading Week
October 30, 2024Fall Convocation Ceremony
November 4, 2024Note that some Arts & Science courses cannot be dropped using ACORN and students must contact the Department to do so; refer to the Course Enrolment Instructions at
November 4, 2024Last day to drop F courses without academic penalty
December 3, 2024At the instructor’s discretion, classes scheduled on Mondays will hold their last class on this day to make up for class missed due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
December 3, 2024Last day to add or remove a CR/NCR option in Fall F courses
December 3, 2024Deadline to request Late Withdrawal (LWD) from Fall F courses
December 4 – 5, 2024Study Days
December 6, 2024 to December 21, 2024Final Exams and Final assessments in F courses
Term tests in Y courses
December 21, 2024Last date to submit petition for term work for F courses
December 24, 2024 to January 3, 2025 (inclusive)University closed for Winter Holidays 
January 6, 2025Winter classes for S and Y courses resume
January 6, 2025Last day to submit a petition in F courses  (final exams, WDR etc.)

January 6, 2025University re-opens following holiday break
January 6, 2025Classes in S courses begin; Classes in Y courses resume
January 14, 2025Waitlists for S courses close at end of day
January 19, 2025Last day to enrol in S courses
January 19, 2025Program/Course fee freeze date (S courses)
TBDFirst day to select a Credit/No-Credit (CR/NCR) option for S courses
February 14, 2025Last day to drop Y courses without academic penalty
Note that some Arts & Science courses cannot be dropped using ACORN
and students must contact the Department to do so; refer to the 
Course Enrolment Instructions
February 17, 2025Family Day – University closed; no classes
February 17 – 21, 2025
Reading Week, no classes
March 10, 2025Last day to drop S courses without academic penalty
Note that some Arts & Science courses cannot be dropped using ACORN
and students must contact the Department to do so; refer to the Course
Enrolment Instructions at
April 4, 2025Classes end in S and Y courses
April 4, 2025Last day to add or remove a CR/NCR option in S  and Y courses
April 4, 2025Deadline to request Late Withdrawal (LWD) from S and Y courses
April 7 – 8, 2025Study days
April 9 – 30, 2025Final Exams & Final assessments in S and Y courses
April 18, 2025Good Friday – University closed; no classes or final assessments
April 30, 2025Last date to submit petition for S and Y for term work
May 7, 2025Last day to submit a petition in S or Y courses (final exams etc.)

Current Graduate Dates

April 9, 2024 (6am, eastern time)
Course enrolment begins for INF/MSL courses
May 6, 2024First day of classes
May 12, 2024Waitlists for F and Y session courses close at end of day
May 13, 2024Last day to enroll in F and Y session courses
May 20, 2024Victoria Day – University closed; no classes
May 21, 2024Last day to drop INF1005H F session course (within SGS deadline – no
add/drop form needed)
June 3, 2024Last day to drop F session courses
June 17, 2024Classes end for F and Y session courses
June 18, 2024Study Day
June 24, 2024Last day to drop Y session courses
June 19, 2024 – June 24, 2024Final exams in F courses and term tests in Y courses
June 28, 2024President’s Day – University closed; no classes
July 1, 2024Canada Day – University closed; no classes
July 2, 2024Last day to drop F courses without academic penalty
July 2, 2024
Classes begins in S courses and classes resume for Y courses
July 3, 2024Last day to submit a petition for F courses (including final
July 7, 2024Waitlists for S session courses close at end of day
July 8, 2024Last day to add S session courses
July 15, 2024Last day to drop INF1006H S session course (within SGS deadline – no
add/drop form needed
July 17, 2024Grades for F session courses available for viewing by students in ACORN
July 29, 2024Last day to drop S session courses
August 5, 2024Civic Holiday – University closed; no classes
August 12, 2024Last day of classes for S and Y session courses
August 13, 2024At the instructors discretion, make up day for Monday classes due to
Civic Holiday August 5, 2024
August 14, 2024Study Day
August 15, 2024 – August 23, 2024Final exams in S and Y courses
August 30, 2024Last day to submit a petition in S and Y courses

July 24, 2024Returning students enroll in courses fall and winter sessions
July 29, 2024Incoming students enroll in information workshops and elective courses for fall and winter sessions
August 23, 2024Recommended tuition fee payment deadline for international students registering or starting their program in the Fall session to ensure they are covered by the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) at the beginning of September. A student’s status on ACORN will change from “Invited” to “Registered” when registration is complete. Please visit the Student Accounts website for detailed fee schedules
September 2, 2024Labour Day – University closed; no classes
September 3, 2024Classes begin in F and Y courses 
September 11, 2024Grades for all summer session courses available for viewing on ACORN
September 13, 2024Registration deadline for students registering or starting their program in the Fall (September to December) session; after this date, a late registration fee will be assessed. Minimum required payment due (unpaid fees from previous session[s] + 100% of current Fall tuition fee charges). A student’s status on ACORN will change from “Invited” to “Registered” when registration is complete
September 16, 2024For Doctoral students who have completed their Final Oral Examination, final date to submit defended and approved doctoral theses to ProQuest to avoid registration and fee payment for the 2024-25 academic year
September 16, 2024INF1005H add date (within SGS deadline – no need for add/drop form)
September 17, 2024Waitlists for F and Y courses close at end of day, (11:59 pm EST)
September 18, 2024Last day to enrol in F and Y courses
September 23, 2024INF1005H drop date (within SGS deadline – no need for add/drop form)
September 30, 2024Final date for receipt of degree recommendations and submission of any required theses for master’s degrees for fall convocation without fees being charged for fall session
October 14, 2024Thanksgiving Day – University closed; no classes
October 28, 2024Last day to drop F courses without academic penalty
October 30, 2024Fall 2024 convocation ceremony
October 28  – November 1, 2024Fall Reading Week – no classes
November 30, 2024Payment deadline to avoid service charges on unpaid Winter (January to April) session tuition and non-tuition fees for students registered in the Fall and Winter sessions, except for those who have successfully registered without payment because they are receiving Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) or other government loans, a full funding package via a research stipend, a major award or scholarship, teaching assistantships, tuition waiver, and/or sponsorships. Monthly service charges will begin accruing on December 15
December 3, 2024Classes end in F courses and in Y courses 
December 3, 2024At the instructor’s discretion, classes scheduled on Mondays will hold their last class on this day to make up for class missed due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
December 4-5, 2024Study Days
December 6 – December 21, 2024Final Exams and Final assessments in F courses
Term tests in Y courses
December 21, 2024Last day to submit an extension for term work petition for F courses 
December 24 – January 3, 2025University closed for Winter Holidays
January 6, 2025Winter classes for S and Y courses resume 
January 6, 2025Last day to submit a petition in F courses (Final exams, etc)

January 6, 2025University re-opens following holiday break
January 6, 2025Classes in S courses begin
Classes in Y courses resume
January 13, 2025INF1005H add date (within SGS deadline – no need for add/drop form)
January 17, 2025Registration deadline for students registering or starting their program in the Winter (January to April) session; after this date, a late registration fee will be assessed. Minimum required payment due (unpaid fees from previous session[s] + 100% of current Winter session tuition fee charges)
January 19, 2025Waitlists for S courses close at end of day (11:59 pm EST)
January 20, 2025Final date to add S courses
January 20, 2025INF1005 drop date within SGS deadline – no need for add/drop form)
January 24, 2025Final date for receipt of master’s degree recommendations and submission of any required theses for March or June graduation for master’s students without fees being charged for the winter session
February 14, 2025Last day to add MSL2100H (need to submit an add/drop form to Student Services – Past SGS deadline)
February 17, 2025Family Day – University closed; no classes
February 17 – 21, 2025Reading Week; no classes
February 28, 2025Last day to drop S and Y courses without academic penalty
Last day to drop MSL2100H
March 3, 2025INF1006H add date (past SGS deadline – need to submit add/drop form)
March 10, 2025INF1006H drop date (past SGS deadline – need to submit add/drop form)
April 4, 2025Classes end in S and Y courses
April 7-8, 2025Study days
April 9 – 30, 2025Final Exams & Final assessments in S and Y courses
April 18, 2025Good Friday – University closed; no classes or final assessments
April 30, 2025Last day to submit an extension for term work petition for S or Y courses 
May 7, 2025Last day to submit a petition in S or Y courses (Final exams, etc)

Archived Academic Dates
