headshot image of Alessandro Delfanti

Alessandro Delfanti


Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology (UTM)


Alessandro Delfanti is a Professor of Culture and New Media at the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology at UTM and holds a graduate appointment in the Faculty of Information. Professor Delfanti’s work lies at the intersection of digital cultures and science and technology studies. His work is focused on the political economy of communication, digital labour, hacking, social movements, as well as open science.

He is the author of “Biohackers: The Politics of Open Science” (Pluto 2013), “The Warehouse: Workers and Robots at Amazon” (Pluto 2021), and co-author with Adam Arvidsson of “Introduction to Digital Media” (Wiley-Blackwell 2019).


INF3010H Power, Media and Technology 0.5 Credits


  • Ava Lew
  • Brendan Smith