Chun Wei Choo

Professor Emeritus


Chun Wei Choo is a Professor at the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. His main research interests are in knowledge management, information management, information behaviour, and organizational learning.

Some of his published books include The Inquiring Organization (Oxford University Press 2015), The Knowing Organization (2nd ed, Oxford University Press 2006), Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge (Oxford University Press 2002), Web Work: Information Seeking & Knowledge Work on the WWW (Springer/Kluwer 2000), and Information Management for the Intelligent Organization (3rd ed, Information Today 2002). His articles and papers have appeared in the Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, Financial Times of London, Information Research, Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, Journal of Documentation, Journal of Knowledge Management, National Post of Canada, and Sloan Management Review. A number of articles and books were translated and published in Dutch, French, German, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish.

Professor Choo’s research projects have received funding support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, National Science Foundation (US), Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, Human Resources Development Canada, and Bell Canada University Labs, among others.


Past Supervision

  • Michael Jones
  • Christine Marton
  • Scott Paquette
  • Don Turnbull
  • Max Evans
  • Mary Cavanagh
  • Natasha Ali
  • Colin Furness
  • Herman van den Berg
  • Brian Detlor
  • Anu MacIntosh-Murray