Current Students

Course Enrolment and Registration

What is course enrolment?

Course enrolment is the process of choosing and signing up for courses on the University of Toronto Student Web Service, also known as ACORN. You can find detailed instructions about how to enrol in courses on ACORN.  

Course enrolment typically opens at the end of July.  

What does it mean to be registered? 

A student is only considered “registered” once they have made minimum tuition payment. To keep all courses you have enrolled in, tuition fees must be received by the University before classes start.  

Please review the Money Matters page for information on how and when to make tuition payments. 

Standard Course Loads

MI full-time students: A regular course load for full-time MI students is 2.0 credits per term.

MI part-time students: A regular course load for part-time MI students is 1.0 credit per term. Reducing your course load to 1.0 credit in a term does NOT automatically switch you to part-time.

MMSt students: A regular course load for full-time MMSt students is 2.0 credits per term. Summer session is optional. It is not possible to register with part-time status in the MMSt program.

CDP students: A regular course load for full-time CDP students is 2.0 credits per term (though some terms might have 2.5 credits). Summer session is optional. It is not possible to register with part-time status in the CDP program.

Doctoral students: Continuous full-time status throughout their degree duration. It is not possible to register with part-time status in the PhD program.

Course overloads

Students who may be interested in taking additional courses should review information below on taking extra courses and note the following:

  • Students must submit a Faculty of Information Course Overload Request Form. Submitting a request does not guarantee enrolment. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • First year students are not eligible to request an additional course in their first term.
  • Part-time students are not eligible to request an overload. They can take a maximum of 1.0 credit per term.

Add/Drop Courses

Adding Courses

Each term, there is a date by which students are eligible to add and drop a course on their own through ACORN. This is commonly known as the term’s course add and drop deadline without academic penalty. Refer to the Academic Dates & Deadlines page for the  deadlines for each term.

Students are only able to add/enrol into courses once enrolment has started. Every Faculty has their own enrolment start times.

To add/enrol in an elective course, you will do so through ACORN, under “Enrol & Manage”.

Likewise, if you need to drop course(s) during an academic term, you will also do so through ACORN.

Dropping Courses

Students may wish to drop a course for a variety of reasons. It is important to familiarize yourself with the course drop process.


Some courses allow waitlists. You may add yourself to a course waitlist, and if space becomes available, you will automatically be enrolled and will receive a notification. Students on a waitlist are not guaranteed enrolment. It’s a good idea to enrol in alternative courses in case space doesn’t become available in the one you want. Try to be flexible and have as many alternative course choices as possible. Note that when you waitlist for a course, it will be counted in your course load.

Confirmation of Registration

Students may need a letter to confirm their registration status at the University and Faculty for a variety of reasons.

For graduate students, official letter(s) confirming registration can only be produced by SGS. Students may initiate their requests by completing the online Letter request form, and emailing it to SGS at

Auditing Courses

The Faculty of Information follows the University of Toronto’s Policy on Auditing of Courses (PDF).

To request to audit a course:

  1. Complete the Application to Audit a Faculty of Information Course Form (PDF)
  2. Request the instructor’s approval to audit their course; get the instructor’s signature on the form if possible.
  3. Email the completed form to Student Services for final approval. If a course is full you may not be able to audit the course even with instructor’s permission.

An audit fee ($500) will apply to individuals outside of the University of Toronto.

External Courses

Taking external courses is a great way to broaden your competencies. “External” courses refer to any course that is outside of your current degree program.

Transfer Credits and Course Exemptions

Transfer credits and exemptions may be granted for graduate work completed in another graduate degree program.

Extra Courses

Extra courses are additional courses beyond the number required by the program of study.

Reading Courses

Reading Courses serve as a way to meet the needs of individual students who wish to explore topics not covered by courses currently offered at the Faculty of Information. They are categorized as elective courses, and are subject to the same regulations as other elective courses.


Once you know which courses you’d like to take, you can find the specific date & time offerings in the Course Timetable.

Transferring between Full and Part Time

For students considering switching registration status from FT to PT, please keep in mind that this switch must be done prior to the start of the winter session in your second year or you will be locked in as a FT student as per SGS policy.

Please complete the Program Transfer Form (PDF) and submit to Student Services via email. You may wish to talk to an academic advisor first to discuss your academic planning.

PT students are eligible to take up to 1.0-credits per term, and FT students are eligible to take up to 2.0-credits per term.

Please note: Students may be subject to a Balance of Degree Fee, upon completing degree requirements.

Students often switch to FT so that they are able to complete their degree requirements sooner. PT students are eligible to take up to 1.0-credits per term and FT students are eligible to take up to 2.0-credits per term.

Please complete the Program Transfer Form (PDF) and submit to Student Services via email. You may wish to talk to an academic advisor first to discuss your academic planning.

Students who transfer from Part-Time status to Full-Time status will be charged Full-Time tuition fees once the transfer / switch has been made.

Please note: Students may be subject to a Balance of Degree Fee, upon completing degree requirements.

Switching Concentrations (MI Students Only)

Adding a second concentration: If you are hoping to add a second concentration and have completed/are on track to complete the required courses, you will be able to submit a request form to Student Services. Details TBD. Email for more information.

Dropping a second concentration: If you are currently in two concentrations and wish to drop one concentration, please send an email to listing your name, student number and which concentration you wish to drop.

Note: UXD concentration requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.