
Arun Jacob (he/him) is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto and the first recipient of the Stéfan Sinclair Memorial Scholarship from the Canadian Society of Digital Humanities. Arun’s work unites media genealogy, intersectional feminist media studies and critical university studies to explore how contemporary university data management techniques and information management systems shape our socio-cultural relations, experiences, and knowledge. Arun’s publications have appeared in Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH), Digital Studies/Le Champ Numérique, The College Quarterly and Alternative Historiographies of the Digital Humanities.


Media History, Educational Technologies, Digital Humanities, Cultural Studies, Critical Theory


Committees & Affiliations

  • Internation Communication Association ICA23 Local Host Committee Member
  • Critical Digital Methods Institute (CDMI)
  • Critical Digital Humanities Initiative (CDHI)