Academics for Undergraduate Students

BI Program Requirements

When planning your courses, be sure to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the BI program. Degree Explorer can help you plan out your program progression.

Academic Calendar

The Undergraduate Academic Calendar provides information on the Bachelor of Information program, courses, important dates, and the rules/regulations of the Faculty of Information.

Course Directory

The course directory provides information on elective courses not included in the Academic Course Calendar.

Course Timetable

Students use Time Table Builder to see when courses are offered and how they may fit within their schedule.

Course Enrolment and Registration

Everything you need to know about enrolling in courses. 

Exams and Final Assessments

Everything you need to know about exams and final assessments. 

Policies and Guidelines

As members of the University of Toronto community, students assume certain responsibilities. The University has several policies that are approved by the Governing Council and which apply to all students. 

Academic Integrity

Helping to ensure that the university maintains its reputation for excellence and the highest level of integrity in all areas is the responsibility of everyone in the U of T community. 

Petitions and Appeals

Learn about the process for submitting a formal request for an exception to the deadlines, degree requirements and rules and regulations of the Faculty. 


Information about in course absences and longer-term leaves from the program.