Anastasia Kuzminykh

Assistant Professor


Anastasia Kuzminykh holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo and a degree in Neuro- and Pathopsychology from the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Her background incorporates experiences in human-computer interaction, cognitive psychology and affective science, ethnographic research, and systems design. She has worked both with industry, including Google (US), Microsoft Research Cambridge (UK), Aterlo Networks (Canada), and with research institutions worldwide, including Inria Lille (France) and Ben Gurion University (Israel), and continues to actively collaborate with groups and companies around the world.

In her work in human-computer interaction and information dynamics, Professor Kuzminykh analyzes the complex communication environments and designs corresponding systems to advance user performance. Her current research interests are mostly focused on human interaction with AI systems, particularly on human-agent communication supported through conversational user interfaces. She is interested in how users perceive AI systems and how these perceptions affect information exchange processes, how people organize information through conversational interfaces (information architecture), and how we can design ethical and efficient human-AI collaboration.

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  • Manveer Kaur Kalirai
  • Ziying (Christina) Wei
  • Rezvan Boostani