Concentration Details

Information Systems and Design

The Information Systems and Design (ISD) concentration examines how to analyze, design and implement the diverse array of systems used to manage all kinds of information in businesses and complex organizations, including “Big Data” applications. It also emphasizes critical thinking, creative problem solving and collaborative decision making.

Information systems play a crucial role in today’s society. For many businesses and organizations, innovations in information processes and systems are critical for competitiveness and survival. For individuals, their personal and social lives are now mediated by an ever-growing array of information systems.

ISD professionals help shape how people interact and get work done through information systems. They lead or participate in multi-disciplinary teams to analyze, design, and implement innovative and effective information systems. Potential career prospects include System Analyst, Data Analyst, Information Architect and more.

ISD Concentration Coordinator: Tao Wang

ISD Concentration Features

  • Acquisition of practical skills and experience with tools for modelling, project management, systems analysis and systems implementation
  • Exploration of the possibilities, constraints and trade-offs inherent in the design, management and implementation of digital information systems and media, in the context of complex and often conflicting requirements from diverse stakeholders
  • Exploration of how to create and enhance innovative, accessible and adaptable solutions to problems of information practice in constantly changing digital environments
  • Engagement in readings, discussions, hands-on projects and critical debates
  • Course material tied to real-life situations in business, management, health and diverse computational environments

ISD Graduates: Where are they now?

Lee Doucet (MI, Class of 2021)

Lee specialized in CIPS and HCDS. He works with an infectious disease surveillance database in the public health section of the City of Toronto’s Data Assessment and Processing Department. He was an active participant in the city’s COVID-19 response.

Lee Doucet headshot image

Pankaj Agrawal (MI, Class of 2018)

Pankaj chose the ISD concentration because it allowed him to combine his interests in technology and user-centered design principles. He is now Director of Data and Analytics at RBC Global Asset Management.

Pankaj Agrawal headshot image

Academic Concentration Requirements

MI students enrolled in 2024 and later

Year 1 required courses

In Year 1, students are recommended to complete the following mandatory ISD courses, as well as 2.0 FCEs in elective courses.

Mandatory ISD Courses

INF1341H System Analysis and Process Innovation 0.5 Credits

Co-/pre-requisite: INF1003 or INF1339

INF1342H System Requirements and Architectural Design 0.5 Credits

Successful completion of INF1341 is a pre-requisite

INF1343H Data Modeling and Database Design 0.5 Credits

Successful completion of INF1003 OR INF1339 is a pre-requisite

Elective Courses

INF1003H Information Systems, Services and Design 0.5 Credits

Recommended for students with minimal IT experience

Year 2 required courses

In Year 2, students are recommended to complete 3.5 FCEs in elective courses. We understand that part-time and CDP students may be in a higher year of study when they enrol in year 2 required courses.

INF2177H Information Management and Systems 0.5 Credits

Successful completion of INF1341 is a pre-requisite. It is recommended that this course be taken in year 2, after students have done other ISD courses.

MI students enrolled in 2023 and earlier

Required courses

While it is not obligatory, it is recommended that students complete as many required courses as possible for the ISD concentration in Year 1, because these courses provide foundational knowledge.

Students may complete their remaining 5.0 credit requirements by taking a combination of the following:

INF2194Y Information Systems Design Project 0.5 Credits

INF2040H Project Management 0.5 Credits

INF2169H Exploratory User Research 0.5 Credits

INF2170H Information Architecture 0.5 Credits

INF2183H Knowledge Management and Systems 0.5 Credits

INF2313H Introduction to Service Science 0.5 Credits

Work Integrated Learning for ISD Students

The Faculty of Information offers a variety of work-integrated learning including the MI Co-op option and practicum courses. The Careers Services team helps students find suitable placements.

Future Students

How do I become a Master of Information student?