Dr. David B. Nieborg is an Associate Professor of Media Studies at the University of Toronto. He holds a PhD from the University of Amsterdam. David is a Senior Fellow at Massey College and held fellowships with the Jackman Humanities Institute and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. His previous affiliations include MIT, the Queensland University of Technology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Utrecht University, and the University of Amsterdam. David has a past career as a consultant, a newspaper journalist, and he co-founded an award-winning game company. He published widely on the game industry, app and platform economics, and game journalism in academic outlets such as New Media & Society, Social Media + Society, Internet Policy Review, and Media, Culture and Society. His research has been funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). He is the co-author of Platforms and Cultural Production (Polity, 2021), which is translated into Italian and Chinese. His most recent book is Mainstreaming and Game Journalism (MIT Press, 2023).
Current Supervision

Margaret (Maggie) MacDonald
Supervisors: Patrick Keilty and David Nieborg

Kaushar Mahetaji
Supervisor: David Nieborg
Alex Ross
Supervisor: David Nieborg