Mary Elizabeth (“M.E.”) Luka is an Assistant Professor of Arts, Media & Culture Management and Interim Program Director, Arts Management, at the Department of Arts, Culture, Media (UTSC), with a cross-appointment at the Faculty of Information. Professor Luka is also an award-winning scholar, activist and digital media producer for arts, social enterprises, broadcasting and telecommunications, and creative management policy, planning and practice. She studies modes and meanings of creativity and innovation in the digital age, to investigate how arts, culture, media and civic sectors are networked together. Her research examines co-creative and collaborative production, distribution and dissemination in the intersecting fields of media, arts and culture. Her research draws on creative and cultural studies; arts, media and cultural management theory and practice; digital humanities and feminist science and technology studies (STS); collaborative social science and urban development practices; and leading practices in digital data management, including audience, client and community engagement Professor Luka has worked with over 100 cultural organizations as a consultant, staff member or advisor.
- Member of the 2018 Conference Programming Committee for the International Association of Internet Researchers
- Past Chair of the Board for Arts Nova Scotia, the provincial funding agency
- Past member of the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council, NSCAD University’s Board of Governors, and the Provincial and Territorial Advisory Group of the Cultural Human Resources Council