Rohan Alexander is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, jointly appointed in the Faculty of Information and the Department of Statistical Sciences. He is also the assistant director of Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) Ontario, a senior fellow at Massey College, a faculty affiliate at the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society, and a co-lead of the Data Sciences Institute Thematic Program in Reproducibility. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University where he focused on economic history and was supervised by John Tang (chair), Martine Mariotti, Tim Hatton, and Zach Ward. His research investigates how we can develop workflows that improve the trustworthiness of data science. He is particularly interested in the role of testing in data science.
- Assistant Director, Ontario Region at Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute
INF2178H Experimental Design for Data Science 0.5 Credits
INF312H1 Worlds Become Data 0.5 Credits

Ciara Zogheib
Supervisor: Rohan Alexander