Introduction to Web Accessibility Analysis and Auditing

Introduction to Web Accessibility Analysis and Auditing

The technologies which structure our digitally-connected world are exposed to hugely diverse audiences. We particularly rely on web and internet technologies to be universally available and comprehensible, but too often they fail in this regard. This workshop will introduce students to the practical skills and knowledge necessary to make web technologies more accessible at all stages of the software development lifecycle. It begins by reviewing the policy conventions and organizational underpinnings of web accessibility, followed by an assessment of common industry enforcement practices. The bulk of the workshop will be a detailed study of web accessibility auditing practices based on WCAG 2.1 guidelines.

Learning goals:

– Identify key policy conventions and technical standards which support web accessibility

– Assess the accessibility of web implementations

– Distinguish between technical definitions of accessibility and users’ lived eperiences

– Interpret the accessibility implications of HTML and CSS code

This workshop is technical in nature, but only a basic understanding of HTML and CSS is required to grasp the material. Novice web designers will find themselves equal to experienced developers in this course.

Required technology: Before the beginning of the workshop, Windows users should install NVDA; Mac users should ensure that they can access the VoiceOver app which comes preinstalled. All users should install axe DevTools and WAVE browser extensions on their choice of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. A colour picker browser extension is recommended, but not required.

Date and Time: Monday, January 22, 2024, 5pm – 8pm

Location: Zoom

Instructor: James Mackey, Analyst Planning & Design at Shared Services Canada, Government of Canada

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