Grants & Awards

The Faculty of Information Alumni Association administers a number of grants and awards for both alumni and current students


FIAA Student Conference and Research Grants

MI and MMSt students who have been invited to a conference in order to present their work or participate on a panel can apply for a conference grant. Learn more about the FIAA Student Conference Grant.


FIAA Alumni Professional Development Grant

Alumni of the Faculty of Information and its predecessors (e.g. Faculty of Information Studies (FIS), FLIS, FLS, SLIS, etc. are invited to apply for funding up to a maximum of $500 for professional development activities through the FIAA Alumni Professional Development Grant.


FIAA Outstanding Alumni Award & Outstanding Student Contribution Award

Each year, FIAA  presents the FIAA Outstanding Alumni Award and the FIAA Outstanding Student Contribution Award, which honour an outstanding alumnus and student, respectively. Learn more about these awards, and view a list of award recipients from previous years.


Wendy Newman Library Leadership Award

The Wendy Newman Library Leadership Award was established upon the 2015 retirement of Wendy Newman, an 11-year Faculty of Information lecturer and champion of public librarianship. The award recognizes her longstanding commitment to the Faculty of Information and to building principled library leadership capacity in the broader profession. It was generously endowed with a $25,000 gift from the Newman family and contributions from faculty, staff and the broader professional community.


Arbor Award

The University of Toronto honours and celebrates the contributions of the University’s exceptional and longstanding volunteers with the prestigious Arbor Award. It can be granted for contributions to specific academic units, such as faculties, colleges or institutes, or to the University as a whole. Sponsored by University Advancement, the award ceremony takes place each September. The nomination period opens in February for an eight-week period.



Awards News

June 14, 2024
The Faculty of Information hosted its Convocation and Awards Celebration on Thursday, June 6 in the Learning Hub immediately following the Spring Convocation ceremony. Graduates...
March 27, 2024
Andrea McGee, the Faculty of Information’s Assistant Dean of Registrarial and Student Services, has won the Northrop Frye Award for her outstanding contributions to advancing...