Leslie Regan Shade

Professor (On Leave July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)

Leslie Regan Shade

Professor (On Leave July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)

Leslie Regan Shade’s research focus since the mid-1990’s has been on the social and policy aspects of information and communication technologies (ICTs), with particular concerns towards issues of gender, youth and political economy. Her research promotes the notion of the public interest in ICT policy; publications, community outreach and student supervision have as their goal the promotion of a wider popular discourse on information and communication policy issues and media reform in Canada and internationally for a diverse public and policy audience. This includes an ongoing commitment to building participatory scholar-activist networks.

Research highlight:

Research projects as a co-investigator have included:
The eQuality Project (2015-2022), a SSHRC partnership that explored young people’s experiences with privacy and equality in digital environments. See http://www.equalityproject.ca.

Opening the Door on Digital Privacy: Practices, Policies, & Pedagogies (2016-2019), a SSHRC Insight Grant whose collaborative research agenda examined the relationship between young adults and digital privacy.

Geothink: How the Geospatial Web 2.0 is Reshaping Government-Citizen Interactions (2012-2017), a  SSHRC partnership examining the implications of locational information on how citizens and governments interact and the way in which technology shapes, and is shaped by, these exchanges. See http://geothink.ca

  • Research Description

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  • Supervision

  • Affiliations & Collaboration