User Interface Design


User Interface Design is broadly concerned with the design of user interfaces for machines and software. On computer screens, this refers to the shaping and the presentation of navigation controls and information displays, as well as functional controls. With the gradual rise over the last decade in mobile and ubiquitous computing (the internet of things), the study of user interface design has necessarily broadened to small screens and even everyday objects. Students will learn basic principles of user interface design, interaction models and laws, differentiation of interaction styles, and different user interface paradigms. More practical topics may include physical ergonomics, cognitive ergonomics, design guidelines for different platforms, differentiation of interaction styles, design widgets, accessibility, localization, and software prototyping tools.

This course can be used to fulfil the “Technical” Professional Requirement.

Pre-requisite: INF1602H, INF2170H

Note: Students who were enrolled in the MI program prior to the 2018/19 academic year will be given the choice to complete KMD1001H or INF1602H to satisfy the pre-requisite requirements.
