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The information below is only applicable to our Master of Information (MI) students. Our Bachelor of Information (BI), Master of Museum Studies (MMSt), and Doctoral programs are only offered on a full-time basis. If you are experiencing difficulties in managing your courseload, please connect with your academic advisor on all available options.

You may also be interested to review our Wellness and Learning Supports page on Faculty, University and external resources.

Transferring from Full-Time (FT) to Part-Time (PT)

For students considering switching registration status from FT to PT, please keep in mind that this switch must be done prior to the start of the winter session in your second year or you will be locked in as a FT student as per SGS policy.

PT students are eligible to take up to 1.0-credits per term, and FT students are eligible to take up to 2.0-credits per term.

Example for an MI student who started their program Fall 2020:

  • Year 1
    • Fall 2020: FT
    • Winter 2021: FT
    • Summer 2021: FT
  • Year 2
    • Fall 2021: FT
    • Winter 2022: Final period to request for a switch to Part-Time (PT) before you get locked as a Full-Time (FT) student going forward.


  • Reducing your courseload to 1.0-credits in a term does NOT automatically switch you to PT. Our MI students are able to remain as a FT student despite only carrying 1.0-credits or less.
  • To transfer from a FT status to PT status – an active step that needs to be taken:
  • Students who transfer from full-time status to part-time status will be eligible to pay part-time tuition fees once the transfer/switch has been made.
    • While part-time students pay part-time program fee in a term, do note that you will likely be subject to a Balance of Degree fee, upon completing degree requirements.
  • Switching to PT may impact your OSAP funding if you’d initially applied for and received/receiving full-time OSAP.
    • You’ll need to inform OSAP of this change in writing (email to
    • The amount of OSAP funding you received under the full-time status might undergo changes given that PT tuition fee is a lot lower than FT fees. Please connect with an OSAP staff member to discuss the financial aid implications.

Transferring from Part-Time (PT) to Full-Time (FT)

For students considering switching from PT to FT: students often switch to FT so that they are able to speed up completing their degree requirements. PT students are eligible to take up to 1.0-credits per term, and FT students are eligible to take up to 2.0-credits per term.

Please complete the Program Transfer Form (PDF) and submit to Student Services via email. You may wish to talk to an academic advisor first to discuss your academic planning.

Students who transfer from Part-Time status to Full-Time status will be charged Full-Time tuition fees once the transfer / switch has been made.

Transferring Between Concentrations

Dropping a 2nd concentration: If you are current in 2 concentrations and wish to drop 1 concentration, please send an email to listing your name, student number and which concentration you wish to drop.

Adding a 2nd concentration: If you are hoping to add a 2nd concentration and have completed/are on track to complete the required courses, you will be able to submit a request form – details TBD.

Note: UXD concentration requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Transferring to the Faculty of Information

For prospective students that may wish to transfer to the Faculty of Information should consult the admission requirements of our degree programs.