Master of Information

This innovative multi-disciplinary program explores information and knowledge management in all its breadth, depth and richness. MI graduates are the next generation of valued professionals, able to lead the progression of information design, organization, storage, access and retrieval, dissemination, preservation, conservation and management. With a deep understanding of the needs of society, career opportunities are found across all industries and sectors.

Master of Information (MI) Program Director: Prof. Olivier St-Cyr

The MI program is accredited by the American Library Association.

As of Fall 2024, students in the MI program apply to one of 6 concentrationsUpon entry to the program, students will choose to complete one of three pathway options: coursework, thesis or co-op to complete their degree requirements.

The MI program requires all students to complete one concentration, a total of 8.0-credits, and for students entering in 2024, professional requirements, regardless of pathway chosen. Once students complete 8.0-credits, they will be marked for graduation and no additional courses can be taken. Students may not end their program on a co-op term.

In theprocess of completing the 8.0-credits, students might be eligible to request to take up to 1.0-credit of “extra” courses that do not contribute to degree requirements. 

Students who are beginning their program in the Fall 2024 will follow the new updated curriculum and will be required to complete 2.0 credits in professional requirements as a part of their total 8.0 credits towards degree completionThe Professional Requirement areas are: Technical, Managerial, Professional Values, and Critical Perspectives. This requirement can be fulfilled by required and elective courses for each concentration. Students need to fulfill 0.5 credits from each of the categories.    

Students are eligible to complete their pathway based on course work only, or incorporate a Collaborative Specialization, thesisor Co-op as part of their degree experience. Full-time students can finish the program in 2 years (with a maximum allowed duration of 3 years). Part-time students are eligible to use up to 6 years to complete their degree requirements. 

Collaborative specializations allow students to specialize in a field outside of their main area of study and count the courses taken as electives in their MI degree program. 

Course Work Option

The Ml course work option provides students an opportunity to take a variety of courses within their chosen concentration, including elective courses from any concentration area. Within the program, students will experience breadth and depth in their course work where they can explore information and knowledge management in all its breadth, depth and richness. With many different concentration options – and the opportunity to customize your program – the Ml provides students the theory and skills needed to excel across a wide variety of research and career paths. 

MI Thesis Option 

The MI thesis option allows students to gain experience in developing and executing a research project from beginning to end. This option is designed for students who have a clearly defined topic, can find a supervisor, and can meet tight deadlines in order to complete all program requirements within the normal time limit. The thesis option is typically carried out in the 2nd year of the two-year program. Faculty approval is required. 

MI Co-op Option 

A Co-operative education (Co-op) is an academic program coupled with experiential education attained in partnership between students, employers and an academic institution. The MI Co-op is an option within the MI program to complete 2 a total of TWO (1.0 credit), paid, full-time Co-op work terms and gain professional experience in your field of study. It is an opportunity to apply knowledge in a real world situation and gain academic credit for it.  Students who complete only one term (0.5 credits) of co-op will officially remain in the coursework pathway option. 

2024 and Later

Course Work Thesis Co-op
  1. Complete a total of 8.0 Credits
  2. Complete the required courses of a chosen concentration 
  3. 2.0 credits in professional Requirement courses  
  4. Fulfill remaining credits with electives 
  1. Complete a total of 8.0 credits
  2. Complete the required courses of a chosen concentration 
  3. 2.0 credits in professional Requirement courses  
  4. Research Methods Course (0.5 CR) appropriate to the student’s program of study, with a final grade of at least A–
  5. Reading Course (0.5 CR) with the student’s intended supervisor, with a final grade of at least A–
  6. A thesis (2.0 CR)
  7. Fulfill remaining credits with electives
  1. Complete a total of 8.0 credits
  2. Complete the required courses of a chosen concentration
  3. 2.0 credits in professional Requirement courses
  4. Complete the Co-op Independent Modules, INF3901H (0.0 credit)
  5. Two (2) 12-week Co-op placements: INF3902H (0.5 CR) and INF3903H (0.5 CR)
  6. Fulfill remaining credits with electives

2023 or Earlier

Course Work Thesis Co-op
  1. Complete a total of 8 credits
  2. Complete the required courses of a chosen concentration 
  3. INF1005H (0.25 CR) and INF1006H (0.25 CR)
  4. Fulfill remaining credits with electives 
  1. Complete a total of 8 credits  
  2. INF1005H (0.25 CR) 
  3. INF1006H (0.25 CR)
  4. Complete the required courses of a chosen concentration
  5. Research Methods Course (0.5 CR) appropriate to the student’s program of study, with a final grade of at least A–. 
  6. Reading Course (0.5 CR) with the student’s intended supervisor, with a final grade of at least A–
  7. A thesis (2.0 CR)
  8. Fulfill remaining credits with electives 
  1. Complete a total of 8 credits  
  2. Complete the required courses of a chosen concentration 
  3. Choose between the Co-op Independent Modules INF3901H  or  INF3900H — The Emerging Professional (0.5 CR) 
  4. Two (2) 12-week Co-op placements: INF3902H (0.5 CR) and INF3903H (0.5 CR) 
  5. Fulfill remaining credits with electives 

Changing or adding a second concentration

If in the future you feel that you would like to switch to another concentration, you will have an opportunity to make such a request in the winter/spring of the academic term. Generally, these requests are made once a year and in consultation with an academic advisor.

Students are encouraged to explore various concentration areas and should they complete the requirements for a second concentration, they will be able to submit a request in their final term of degree study. Information will be made available in February/March.  

It is advisable that you meet with an academic advisor prior to requesting a concentration change or addition to review your current academic standing and progress in the program. We will share details when the time comes.

Please note, students can take courses in any of the concentrations as your electives, no matter what concentration you are enrolled in. 

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General Program Pathway (For anyone enrolled prior to Fall 2024 – this program is no longer available for admission)
The general program pathway is for students that do not wish to choose a formal concentration.

They are still able to complete the pathway by choosing coursework only, or incorporating co-op, collaborative specializations, or a thesis.

Students in the general program must complete the following courses:

Students choosing the General Program Pathway needs to submit the General Program Pathway Request Form to Student Services before/when you complete eight 0.5-credit courses (4.0 credits total) midway through the MI program.

  • Student Learning Outcomes

  • Key Program Characteristics and Foundational Beliefs