User Experience Design (UXD)

Explore your options. Discover new opportunities.

| ARM: Archives & Records Management | C&T: Culture & Technology | CIPS: Critical Information Policy Studies | HCDS: Human Centered Data Science | ISD: Information Systems & Design | KMIM: Knowledge Management & Information Management | LIS: Library & Information Science | UXD: User Experience Design |

UXD Concentration liaison: Prof. Velian Pandeliev

UXD concentration overview |  Requirements | Suggested electives | Careers in User Experience Design |

User experience (UX) is concerned with a user’s total experience when interacting with digital systems. It applies several traditional facets of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and more recent developments such as experiential and affective design. To create successful and positive user experiences, UX designers must consider ways in which humans interact with technology by studying typical users, context of uses, interaction techniques and resulting emotions, and UX assessment metrics.

The User Experience Design (UXD) concentration aims to provide students with the necessary core knowledge and skills to become marketable UX designers. It recognizes the demand for professionals who can envision, design, and evaluate outstanding user experiences for digital products. Through a mix of theoretical and hands-on approaches, students will work collaboratively and intensively on a variety of design problems ranging from traditional digital systems (e.g., desktop, website, mobile) to recent advances in the field of HCI (e.g., 3D user interfaces, wearables, tangible interfaces, social platforms). A particular emphasis will be given to the factors influencing the overall UX when interacting with digital systems. Interdisciplinary design thinking and knowledge translation through a User-Centred Design (UCD) approach are stressed.

Project-based design-oriented classes will allow students to gain transferable insights into complex problems, work with experts in other fields, and learn how to communicate across disciplines. Students will engage with each stage of the UXD process – brainstorming, data gathering, analysis, designing, prototyping, and evaluation – in order to produce research projects that can lead to published papers, conference presentations, thesis projects, competition winners, new products and services, and start-up businesses.

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Concentration requirements (2024 and later)

Below you will find the specific requirements for each of the program pathways (Coursework, Thesis, Co-op).

Click HERE to find the suggested first and sceond year courses for your specific concentration. 

Concentration Only Option

  • Students must successfully complete a total of 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:
    • 2.5 required FCEs:
    • 5.5 elective FCEs.
  • Note: of the total 8.0 FCEs for this option, 0.5 FCE must come from each of the following four Professional Requirements areas: Technical, Managerial, Professional Values, and Critical Perspectives. This requirement can be fulfilled by required and elective courses for each concentration.

Concentration Plus Thesis Option

  • Students must successfully complete a total of 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:
    • Thesis (2.0 FCEs)
    • 2.5 required FCEs:
    • Research methods course (0.5 FCE)
    • Reading course (0.5 FCE)
    • 2.5 elective FCEs.
  • Note: of the total 8.0 FCEs for this option, 0.5 FCE must come from each of the following four Professional Requirements areas: Technical, Managerial, Professional Values, and Critical Perspectives. This requirement can be fulfilled by required and elective courses for each concentration.

Concentration Plus Co-op Option

  • Students must successfully complete a total of 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:
    • Co-op (1.0 FCE) plus the Co-op Independent Modules (0.0 FCE)
    • 2.5 required FCEs:
    • 4.5 elective FCEs.
  • Note: of the total 8.0 FCEs for this option, 0.5 FCE must come from each of the following four Professional Requirements areas: Technical, Managerial, Professional Values, and Critical Perspectives. This requirement can be fulfilled by required and elective courses for each concentration.


Students are required to complete a total of 8.0 credits for their MI degree.

Students are able to take their Year 1 required courses in Year 2 as long as it is not a pre-requisite to a Year 2 required course (or other requirements). It is, however, recommended that you complete your Year 1 required courses in Year 1 as they provide foundational knowledge. For students thinking about Co-op, you should complete all Year 1 required courses in Year 1.

The use of interactive kiosks, 3D technology, mobile apps and the latest digital tools is growing as museums integrate technology into all aspects of their operations. Students interested in the cross section of information and museum studies may wish to apply for the Combined Degree Program (CDP)  to explore such areas. The CDP allows students to complete both MI + MMSt degrees in three years.

Concentration requirements (2023 or earlier)

Year 1 required courses

Year 2 required courses


Students are required to complete a total of 8.0 credits for their MI degree.

Students are able to take their Year 1 required courses in Year 2 as long as it is not a pre-requisite to a Year 2 required course (or other requirements). It is, however, recommended that you complete your Year 1 required courses in Year 1 as they provide foundational knowledge. For students thinking about Co-op, you should complete all Year 1 required courses in Year 1.

The use of interactive kiosks, 3D technology, mobile apps and the latest digital tools is growing as museums integrate technology into all aspects of their operations. Students interested in the cross section of information and museum studies may wish to apply for the Combined Degree Program (CDP)  to explore such areas. The CDP allows students to complete both MI + MMSt degrees in three years.

Quick links to resources:

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Careers in User Experience Design

Students looking to engage in hands-on experience, widen their professional network and engage in professional development should connect with our Careers Services. The Faculty of Information offers a variety of work-integrated learning opportunities such as: MI Co-op option, practicum, job shadowing, and ask-an-alum.

We encourage our students to engage widely in various professional circles and broaden your horizons beyond disciplinary boundaries. Our students, alumni and faculty are members of many professional associations. Our strong ties, built over many years, with these institutions keep us all abreast of the latest trends in the industries. Throughout the year, students may find representatives and members of these associations taking active roles in assisting our students by providing relevant industry insights and networking opportunities.

Some of these include:

Please visit our Student Experience & Life page on student councils, clubs and associations that our students engage and participate actively in.

Who hires our UXD graduates?

UX/KM designers are creating their own environments which reflect the present and the future of the technology era, from start-ups to collaborative enterprises, from online companies to think-thanks, from profit-sharing coops to NGOs. This new field traverses established fields of media, technology, design, communications, knowledge management, engineering, visual design, etc. Job titles are being invented every day, and consequently, they vary from one organization to the next.

Our alumni work in a wide range of organizations and industries, including: marketing and communications, digital media, advertising, financial services, technology, government, non-profit and more.

Sample employers include: Axure, Critical Mass, Deloitte Digital, Electronic Arts, H2 Central Marketing & Communications, Feast Interactive, MacLaren McCann, MaRS Discovery District, Nurun, Ontario Public Service, Open Road Communications, Our Digital World, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Rogers Communications, SapientNitro, Scotiabank, TAXI, TD Bank Financial Group, United Nations, and many others.

Sample roles include: App Designer, Content Manager, Digital Communications & Web Manager, Digital Project Manager, Director, Digital Strategy, Human Centered Design Manager, Information Architect (IA), Interaction Designer, Multimedia Developer, Senior Interaction, Designer, Solution Developer, User Experience Designer (UXD), UX Analyst, UX Architect, UX Strategist, Web Developer.

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