Library & Information Sciences (LIS)

Explore your options. Discover new opportunities.

| ARM: Archives & Records Management | C&T: Culture & Technology | CIPS: Critical Information Policy Studies | HCDS: Human Centered Data Science | ISD: Information Systems & Design | KMIM: Knowledge Management & Information Management | LIS: Library & Information Science | UXD: User Experience Design |

LIS Concentration liaison: Prof. Siobhan Stevenson

LIS concentration overview |  Requirements | Suggested electives | Careers in Library & Information Sciences |

Library and information professionals have expertise in accessing, analyzing, organizing, evaluating, preserving, researching and presenting information found in all types of formats.

They are no longer solely concerned with books, as they are responsible for managing digital data and various new modes of information.

While academic librarians work in academic institutions and public librarians are employed at public libraries, other information professionals are working in corporations, law firms, and government institutions in a variety of roles. For example, prospect researchers are working in development or advancement offices on researching and identifying donor prospects, who are individuals, corporations or foundations. Information professionals are the experts we need in the information age.

Concentration features

  • Our program has been continuously accredited by the American Library Association (ALA) since 1937 – the North American standard for professional practice in the field.
  • Focus on the fundamentals of the field through required courses. Become versed in the myriad of issues related to the information life cycle: creation, representation, organization, management, dissemination and preservation and its interplay with social, economic, political, and technological forces.
  • Delve into more specialized elective courses that focus either on a type of library audience, such as public or academic; or engage with important contemporary topics, such as information and digital literacy, the evolution of reading practices, or outreach and advocacy.

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Concentration requirements (2024 and later)

Below you will find the specific requirements for each of the program pathways (Coursework, Thesis, Co-op).

Click HERE to find the suggested first and sceond year courses for your specific concentration. 

Concentration Only Option

  • Students must successfully complete a total of 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:
    • 2.0 required FCEs:
      • INF1321H Representing, Documenting, and Accessing the Cultural Record
      • INF1322H Communities and Values
      • INF1323H The Information Experience
      • INF1324H Critical Infrastructures.
    • 6.0 elective FCEs.
  • Note: of the total 8.0 FCEs for this option, 0.5 FCE must come from each of the following four Professional Requirements areas: Technical, Managerial, Professional Values, and Critical Perspectives. This requirement can be fulfilled by required and elective courses for each concentration.

Concentration Plus Thesis Option

  • Students must successfully complete a total of 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:
    • Thesis (2.0 FCEs)
    • 2.0 required FCEs:
      • INF1321H Representing, Documenting, and Accessing the Cultural Record
      • INF1322H Communities and Values
      • INF1323H The Information Experience
      • INF1324H Critical Infrastructures
    • Research methods course (0.5 FCE)
    • Reading course (0.5 FCE)
    • 3.0 elective FCEs.
  • Note: of the total 8.0 FCEs for this option, 0.5 FCE must come from each of the following four Professional Requirements areas: Technical, Managerial, Professional Values, and Critical Perspectives. This requirement can be fulfilled by required and elective courses for each concentration.

Concentration Plus Co-op Option

  • Students must successfully complete a total of 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:
    • Co-op (1.0 FCE) plus the Co-op Independent Modules (0.0 FCE)
    • 2.0 required FCEs:
      • INF1321H Representing, Documenting, and Accessing the Cultural Record
      • INF1322H Communities and Values
      • INF1323H The Information Experience
      • INF1324H Critical Infrastructures
    • 5.0 elective FCEs.
  • Note: of the total 8.0 FCEs for this option, 0.5 FCE must come from each of the following four Professional Requirements areas: Technical, Managerial, Professional Values, and Critical Perspectives. This requirement can be fulfilled by required and elective courses for each concentration.


Students are required to complete a total of 8.0 credits for their MI degree.

Students are able to take their Year 1 required courses in Year 2. It is not a must to complete all Year 1 required courses in Year 1. It is, however, recommended that you complete your Year 1 required courses in Year 1 as they provide foundational knowledge. For students thinking about Co-op, you should complete all Year 1 required courses in Year 1.

Students interested in the cross section of information and museum studies may wish to apply for the Combined Degree Program (CDP) to explore areas such as digital cultural heritage, cultural information policy, the intersection of cultural memory institutions (libraries, archives and museums), digital curation, among other interests. The CDP allows students to complete both MI + MMSt degrees in three years.

Concentration requirements (2023 or earlier)

Year 1 required courses

Year 2 required courses

  • None


Students are required to complete a total of 8.0 credits for their MI degree.

Students are able to take their Year 1 required courses in Year 2. It is not a must to complete all Year 1 required courses in Year 1. It is, however, recommended that you complete your Year 1 required courses in Year 1 as they provide foundational knowledge. For students thinking about Co-op, you should complete all Year 1 required courses in Year 1.

Students interested in the cross section of information and museum studies may wish to apply for the Combined Degree Program (CDP) to explore areas such as digital cultural heritage, cultural information policy, the intersection of cultural memory institutions (libraries, archives and museums), digital curation, among other interests. The CDP allows students to complete both MI + MMSt degrees in three years.

Quick links to resources:

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Careers in Library & Information Sciences

Students looking to engage in hands-on experience, widen their professional network and engage in professional development should connect with our Careers Services. The Faculty of Information offers a variety of work-integrated learning opportunities such as: MI Co-op option, practicum, Toronto Academic Libraries Internship Program (TALint), job shadowing, and ask-an-alum.

We encourage our students to engage widely in various professional circles and broaden your horizons beyond disciplinary boundaries. Our students, alumni and faculty are members of many professional associations. Our strong ties, built over many years, with these institutions keep us all abreast of the latest trends in the industries. Throughout the year, you may find representatives and members of these associations taking active roles in assisting our students by providing relevant industry insights and networking opportunities. Examples of these include:

Please visit our Student Experience & Life page on student councils, clubs and associations that our students engage and participate actively in.

Who hires our LIS graduates?

LIS graduates are needed in both traditional and new, non-traditional roles as information professionals. Since job titles vary, the key is to look beyond the titles and into the work involved. Our alumni work in a wide range of organizations and industries, including: financial services, technology, health care, law, government, marketing and communications, non-profit and more.

Sample employers include: 

Academic Libraries: American Univ. of Sharjah, UAE; Business Information Centre, Rotman School of Management, UofT; Florida University; Gerstein Science Information Centre, UofT; McGill University; New York Univ., Division of Libraries; Osgoode Hall Law School Library; Thomas Fisher Rare Book, UofT; Toronto District School Board; University of Oxford.

Public Libraries: Calgary Public Library; Hamilton Public Library; Kingston-Frontenac Public Library; Saskatoon Public Library; Toronto Public Library (TPL); Vancouver Public Library.

Government/Advocacy: Canadian Security Intelligence Service; CNIB; International Development Research Centre; Library of Parliament; Ministry of the Attorney General; The Legislative Assembly of Ontario; Ontario Media Development Corporation; United Nations; United Way Toronto

Culture & Media: Bell Media, Canadian Music Centre; CBC Radio Canada; CTV News; DHX Media; Folger Shakespeare Library; Royal Ontario Museum; The Royal Conservatory; TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival); Toronto Botanical Garden; Totem; TV Ontario

Finance: CPP Investment Board; Deloitte; International Monetary Fund; Manulife Financial; PwC Canada; TD Bank Financial Group, Towers Watson.

Law: Bennett Jones LLP; Canadian Environmental Law Association; Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP; McMillan LLP;

Health: CAMH Foundation; Canadian Partnership Against Cancer; Epilepsy Toronto; Health Quality Ontario; Mount Sinai Hospital; Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; University Health Network

Sample roles include:

Access & Privacy Officer
Advancement Assistant and Junior Researcher
Bilingual Reader Advisor
Biomedical Sciences Research Support Librarian
Business Information Specialist
Children’s Librarian
Clinical Information Specialist
Clinical Librarian
Communications and Project Officer
Community Outreach Librarian
Consultant, Business Research
Content Inventory Coordinator
Copyright Education/Compliance Manager
Development Researcher
Digital Literacy Coordinator
Digital Media Specialist
Donor Research Specialist
Electronic Services Librarian
Emerging Technologies Specialist
Environmental Data Specialist
Geographic Names Specialist
Geospatial Data Librarian
Information Access Specialist
Information Services Consultant
Knowledge Mobilization Officer
Manager of Public Services
Manager, Resource Discovery and Access
Metadata and Taxonomy Specialist
Online Consumer Health Information Researcher
Prospect Research and Analytics Officer
Prospect Researcher
Research Associate
Research Consultant
Research Evaluation Coordinator
Research Information Officer
Visualization Coordinator

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