Knowledge Management & Information Management (KMIM)

Explore your options. Discover new opportunities.

| ARM: Archives & Records Management | C&T: Culture & Technology | CIPS: Critical Information Policy Studies | HCDS: Human Centered Data Science | ISD: Information Systems & Design | KMIM: Knowledge Management & Information Management | LIS: Library & Information Science | UXD: User Experience Design |

KMIM Concentration liaisons: Prof. Fiorealla Foscarini

Under curricular review: Not accepting applications for Fall 2025

KMIM concentration overview | Requirements | Suggested electives | Careers in KMIM |

Knowledge Managers and Information Managers are responsible for the access, organization, processing, utilization, and monitoring of information shared within a corporation or community.

They plan and implement processes and tools that facilitate effortless knowledge transfer. For example, to improve transparency and develop new ideas and services that people need, the Ontario government is making more government data available to the public and businesses through their “open data” initiative. Similarly, within the health industry, managing electronic access to health records has become increasingly important for patents and healthcare providers.

Concentration features

  • Understand the theoretical frameworks that integrate the creation, sharing, and utilization of information and knowledge
  • Learn effective ways to use information to support decision-making
  • Gain expertise on knowledge access management, including metadata-enabled search and resource discovery
  • Develop strategic modelling of goals and dependencies for knowledge management
  • Design information systems as platforms for creating and sharing knowledge

Health Informatics elective courses

  • Health Informatics is the application of information technology to improve all aspects of healthcare, including preventive and acute care, research, and education.
  • With permission of the instructor, a selection of elective courses are generally open to MI students.
  • Explore information systems design for the health care domain, electronic health records, patient care systems, telehealth, clinical decision support systems, nursing informatics, as well as organizational and societal issues.

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Concentration requirements (2024 and later)

Concentration Only Option

  • Students must successfully complete a total of 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:
    • 2.5 required FCEs:
      • INF1003H Information Systems, Services, and Design
      • INF1230H Management of Information Organizations
      • INF2175H Managing Organizational Records I
      • INF2176H Information Management in Organizations — Models and Platforms
      • INF2186H Metadata Schemas and Applications.
    • 5.5 elective FCEs.
  • Note: of the total 8.0 FCEs for this option, 0.5 FCE must come from each of the following four Professional Requirements areas: Technical, Managerial, Professional Values, and Critical Perspectives. This requirement can be fulfilled by required and elective courses for each concentration

Concentration Plus Thesis Option

  • Students must successfully complete a total of 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:
    • Thesis (2.0 FCEs)
    • 2.5 required FCEs:
      • INF1003H Information Systems, Services, and Design
      • INF1230H Management of Information Organizations
      • INF2175H Managing Organizational Records I
      • INF2176H Information Management in Organizations — Models and Platforms
      • INF2186H Metadata Schemas and Applications.
    • Research methods course (0.5 FCE)
    • Reading course (0.5 FCE)
    • 2.5 elective FCEs.
  • Note: of the total 8.0 FCEs for this option, 0.5 FCE must come from each of the following four Professional Requirements areas: Technical, Managerial, Professional Values, and Critical Perspectives. This requirement can be fulfilled by required and elective courses for each concentration.

Concentration Plus Co-op Option

  • Students must successfully complete a total of 8.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:
    • Co-op (1.0 FCE) plus the Co-op Independent Modules (0.0 FCE)
    • 2.5 required FCEs:
      • INF1003H Information Systems, Services, and Design
      • INF1230H Management of Information Organizations
      • INF2175H Managing Organizational Records I
      • INF2176H Information Management in Organizations — Models and Platforms
      • INF2186H Metadata Schemas and Applications.
    • 4.5 elective FCEs.
  • Note: of the total 8.0 FCEs for this option, 0.5 FCE must come from each of the following four Professional Requirements areas: Technical, Managerial, Professional Values, and Critical Perspectives. This requirement can be fulfilled by required and elective courses for each concentration.


Students are required to complete a total of 8.0 credits for their MI degree.

Students are able to take their Year 1 required courses in Year 2. It is not a must to complete all Year 1 required courses in Year 1. It is, however, recommended that you complete your Year 1 required courses in Year 1 as they provide foundational knowledge. For students thinking about Co-op, you should complete all Year 1 required courses in Year 1.

Students interested in the cross section of information and museum studies may wish to apply for the Combined Degree Program (CDP) to explore areas such as museum informatics, digital cultural heritage, cultural information policy, the intersection of cultural memory institutions (libraries, archives and museums), and digital curation, among other interests. The CDP allows students to complete both MI + MMSt degrees in three years.

Concentration requirements (2023 or earlier)

Year 1 required courses

Year 2 required courses

    • None


Students are required to complete a total of 8.0 credits for their MI degree.

Students are able to take their Year 1 required courses in Year 2. It is not a must to complete all Year 1 required courses in Year 1. It is, however, recommended that you complete your Year 1 required courses in Year 1 as they provide foundational knowledge. For students thinking about Co-op, you should complete all Year 1 required courses in Year 1.

Students interested in the cross section of information and museum studies may wish to apply for the Combined Degree Program (CDP) to explore areas such as museum informatics, digital cultural heritage, cultural information policy, the intersection of cultural memory institutions (libraries, archives and museums), and digital curation, among other interests. The CDP allows students to complete both MI + MMSt degrees in three years.

Quick links to resources:

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Careers in Knowledge Management & Information Management

Students looking to engage in hands-on experience, widen their professional network and engage in professional development should connect with our Careers Services. The Faculty of Information offers a variety of work-integrated learning opportunities such as: MI Co-op option, practicum, job shadowing, and ask-an-alum.

We encourage our students to engage widely in various professional circles and broaden your horizons beyond disciplinary boundaries. Our students, alumni and faculty are members of many professional associations. Our strong ties, built over many years, with these institutions keep us all abreast of the latest trends in the industries. Throughout the year, students may find representatives and members of these associations taking active roles in assisting our students by providing relevant industry insights and networking opportunities. Some of these include:

Please visit our Student Experience & Life page on student councils, clubs and associations that our students engage and participate actively in.

These days, KMIM professionals are highly needed in many organizations, where they can provide expertise on the latest theories, best practices and trends regarding effective management and security of information and all types of knowledge. Professionals work in a variety of organizations, especially in large institutions and corporations, which have resources dedicated to knowledge management initiatives. Some of the largest consulting companies also have knowledge management departments and consultants, who advise their clients on KM strategies.

Who hires our KMIM graduates?

Our alumni work in a wide range of organizations and industries, including: financial services, consulting, technology, health care, law, government, education, marketing and communications, non-profit and more.

Sample employers include: Bell Canada, Cancer Care Ontario, Capital One, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, European Central Bank, Internet Archive Canada, JMIR (Journal of Medical Internet Research), Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Lord Cultural Resources, Manulife Financial, Microworks, Mothercraft, Ontario Public Service, RBC, Towers Watson, United Way of Peel Region, University of Calgary, WSIB, York Region Municipality among many others.

Sample roles include:

Chief Information Officer
Chief Knowledge Officer
Customer Data Analyst
Data Quality Manager
Digital Data Analyst
Email Management Business Analyst
Fraud Business Analyst
Governance Data Quality Steward
Information Management Consultant
Information Management Program Manager
Knowledge & Record Management Consultant
Knowledge Management Analyst
Knowledge Management Specialists
Oracle BI Solution Designer
Prospect Researcher
Research Analyst
Research/Evaluation Consultant
SAP Business Analyst
Senior Manager, Knowledge Mgmt. Operations
Senior Manager, Market & Business Intelligence

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